RTW with a blog asking for money kind of people

My criticism strikes again.

We all have seen those kind of "travelers" who always try to imply that they do what they are doing, for us the rest of the lesser people.
Few months ago I was reading how such a specimen was bubbling on Facebook about how hard is for him to travel, how many ordeals he needs to endure in order to bring us pictures. Then come home dear, no one sent you there!

How should I put it ... since the edge of civilization people traveled, some more, some less. Some even wrote books about their travels and about the cultures they encountered. Some of those writings are today the only source of historical relevance about a certain place and a certain time.
Later, when we discovered that we can make money out of it, some traveled and continued to write books about their travels. They got money by selling them, maybe they sponsored their next trip with the money from the books. Who knows?!?

There were always people who traveled for themselves and others who traveled to show off. I have no problem with both of them, each on its own they say. I have a absolute repulsion on the next stage, the modern traveler - beggar - prostitute.

If we look at details, every time we can find an excuse: what is wrong that X got sponsored by XZY company? What is wrong that some people donate to some other guy? And actually none of these are wrong! I mean I do not preach here that no one should get something unless every one gets it too, this is small minded.
What I really hate is the big picture, and let's look at it:
One guy or girl, quits the job and suddenly is being sponsored by not one, not two but more companies. Ok ... not that if you would ask any of those companies to get something, you will get it for free, even if you travel a lot.
Now, he / she has a tip-top bike with bleeding edge tech, top of the range clothing (we, the foot-folk will be happy with just half of it or with half of the money they cost so we can get fully equipped).
Some shipping companies even give a discount based on .... I do not know exactly why and how.

Now the trip starts .... he / she will travel in a part of the world for x months. Every day you get to see amazing pictures. They say they do the images themselves, I can trust some of them, I can believe that they are struggling to get that amazing pic - I do it myself and I know how frustrating is when something goes wrong, but I prefer to travel rather than to play self glorification on Instagram.

Now the big questionmarks
1. How the hell they always get good weather - I want to see them soaked, full of mud - usually this is what I get when I travel, not endless days of beautiful sky.
2. How on earth do their bikes look every time like brand new - mine is like a pig after few days, with a bit of luck and rain from the first day.
3. Always some indigenous people are around their bike or on their bike doing nice pics - I may travel in the wrong places, usually I end up with some homeless guys telling me the story of their life.
4. Why do they like to recommend parts and bike models - easy one, they would not spit on the face of their sponsors.
5. How that they get servicing first class even in the remote parts of the world, not to mention .... some of them for free - are you serious!?!?!
6. Are they able to do minor repairs on their own? I bet 90% no
7. Suddenly some locals start to show them hidden treasures of the country - ah ok .... suddenly someone says I make holidays because X is in tow so I can ride along. I do not know if we fit but what the heck ... I will get in the end a Instagram tag.
8. Real travel with having time to make video documentary, photo documentary and write a book ... these people are awesome can do more than we can .... ok ...
9. Where the hell they get internet in the middle of nowhere!?!?!
10. Where the hell do they get power supply .... editing a video takes time, rendering, cutting, post processing ... not to mention the time you work, the time you let the software do their rendering, loading all the devices ... Yes I know ... hotel and motorcycle battery ... but really, for months in the middle of nowhere!?!? how the hell you upload the video to YouTube, how the hell you update your blog daily ....
11. Are they really staying out camping or this is just for the picture, for the rest is the cosy hotel down the capital city.
12. How that their clothes look like new even after months of traveling with wild camping? This is a X files case for me.

Getting past those questions now comes the ugly personality side:
- asking money to continue travel - work you bitch, we all do, work and travel, there are people who do this, even if they take low jobs for one two three months somewhere, they spare to the last dime and then they have enough for the next leg of the travel. I respect those people.
- implying that they travel for me - seriously? I travel for myself, thank you!
- playing the victim card with how much they endure for that travel - go buck a fuffalo! Your choice, you can go home anytime now.
- opening all kind of virtual begging accounts - patreon, crowdfunding and so on ... duuude
- after the travel playing macho at all bikers meetings, being now a paid speaker and except the fact he gets money for this (shows the same ppt for years) sells also his junk overpriced stickers, books dvd
- no real human contact, unless you can be of interest - sexually or financially
- self importance
- expecting to be treated as V.I.P.

What is more disturbing is that they are setting trends, they are advertising overpriced shit which nobody needs actually, the bikes that they ride are not the most reliable but with the biggest price tag, some are talking that they even do not ride all the way, but pay a transport and then just make a picture - actually this explains the three questions I had - clean clothes, clean bike and internet all day.
And on top of that we are reminded gracefully that they are doing this for us!

Do you feel that someone is traveling for you? I certainly not and when I see pictures from the areas I have been, I can't notice that they are hanging mostly on tourist spots and kind of fake world where they are charged to make a picture with some local. After all I kind of feel sorry for them with regard to travel experiences. For the financial joker they try to pull on us ... I resent them. But that's life!

If you disagree .... Please pay for my next vacation!!!!!! I promise to send you pictures

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