About Law of Attraction and other Get Rich things

All this fuzz with the law of attraction started with the movie The Secret, good movie and makes you to ask yourself some questions but it also started a huge fuzz on internet about this. Suddenly a lot of so called Dr. X started to appear and offer classes at high prices, I don't even know in which field they have a PhD or if is just a title they accorded themselves or some online PhD. Ok, the book and the movie are interesting, a bit to US commercial style for my taste but they are pleasant though. Then are all those wanna be self made people who are asking money for telling crap. When I see an Dr. Whatever from India talking about how he earns millions I want to throw up and I ask myself if the suit is rented and the pictures of his house and lifestyle he achieved are really his pictures or stolen from a luxury lifestyle website.

How does the law of attraction work?
I can say that you don't need a PhD to notice that it works at some degree, actually you just need a bit of life experience and introspection.
Let's take a relationship. You think every time your partner is out that he/she might cheat on you and you wait for hours only with this in mind. When he/she arrives home and is happy and smells like had a few drinks then you explode like a volcano ruining the night. Why? Because you thought that you are cheated and you can't stand the idea that the other came home happy while you are all grumpy, something must have happened.
You do this for one time, two times, three times, your partner gets anxious when comes home so enters in a defense mode, and becomes aggressive first when enters the door, then you are sure something bad happened that he/she can't even stand to see you, and again you ruin the nights. After some time your relationship it is not what it used to be so at one point your partner had enough of your cheating accuses and says "well, at least I know for what I am accused" and it happens to meet some other he/she, that he/she shows your partner respect and interest and ... they end-up doing some bed sports.
You attracted this to you? Yes, certainly! The law of attraction works! ... yes dummy because you were an idiot, is not any voodoo or magic behind, some secret kept hidden from you by evil greedy people.

There are a lot of sayings that are going to this direction, that what you are afraid of will happen, that you become what you think, that the dreams come true and so on, is no secret and it is just you who is doing stupid or good things.

Take action now!
Yes! Please pay thousands to some guy that will share the secrets of the universe with you. Here comes the funny part. Almost all who are talking about the law of attraction are emphasizing on making money and getting rich.
Have you ever asked yourself why? Why  they talk almost only about money, goods and wealth? Why they don't talk about happiness or health or good life, why is all about money?
I can tell you why, because people are greedy, they will to pay thousands to learn how to earn money, the secrets of easy income. That's why the lottery is so popular. Still I haven't heard one saying that "I used the law of attraction to win the lottery". No, they make statistics of the numbers are more possible to be winning numbers and very few are just lucky guessing the right combination. Still you hear some fucking indian or pakistani guy talking a poor english telling you how to earn like him and how he earns millions per month. Yes, you idiot, he earns like this because he is selling a shit seminar for 2000 USD! (I always wondered why the prices are always in USD and not other currency) So imagine he has 100 idiots per month, he lives in a shit-hole in India or Pakistan and for living there with 200 per month is already the king of the neighborhood.
Actually I had the curiosity to read some of them, sorry guys I hadn't paid your shit pdf files, I just have my ways to get them, pdf files in worth of some hundreds of USD. Only crap! How to make money, and be positive ... yeah right, worthy lecture.
Another funny thing is that all those secret of the universe holders are addressing the matter to business guys. Like if you have a company you can earn more and deserve more. Yes is true, as a company you can always earn more. But what about us? the lesser people, the foot-folk? Actually they have no answers for this, just maybe meditate more, think positive, find the opportunity and open a business. If everyone will have a business who will work for my business? I meditate for 10 years on how to get rich still nothing happened, no voodoo, I still need to have a regular job. Then I pay you 2000 USD to find out that I should open a business and meditate more. Doh! Ok, maybe I should open a bullshitter business, call myself Dr. Ciufu and earn thousands from my toilet philosophy ... could worth!

But really works!
Yes I know, I had some moments in my life when it worked like magic, could be just coincidence or God or universe or Allah or Buddha or Yahweh, call it how you like, decided  to help me.
For example I wished to have an Kawasaki KLR 650, was available only to import from US, I had my "visualization board", how they like to call it today when you pay 2000 or more to find out the secrets of life, actually was on my desktop wallpaper. And after some time a friend of mine decided to sell her "just bought" Kawasaki KLR. But guess what, was not the last model, was from 1990, was KLR 600 not 650. Did it work? Maybe was just a coincidence.
I wished to move from my house and have my own one apartment, did not had the right money and my payment was not enough to take the required amount from bank. Out of nowhere appeared someone who offered to lend me some money without interest, so I could take the apartment. Did it work? This time, for sure.
I wished to study at a certain university in another country, I made it but after some time I remained without money and no job and while I was preparing to accept the defeat and pack my stuff a miracle happened, my landlord, the owner of the apartment were I live, offered me a deal to pay the rent after I finish my studies and got me a job at some company. Did it work? For sure!
I wished a girl to love me and have a relationship like you see only in the movies or read only in books, after some bad experiences when I said I don't want to get attached or something like this, is better alone. And ... yes I found her without being out to look for girls and out of the strangest situation, we are happy even if there are some hundreds of kilometers between, and some even said that what happened is only a once in a lifetime miracle and I can consider this a gift from the gods. Did it work? At the moment I can say yes, but time will tell.
I wished to have a well paid job during my studies, to live and pay my rent. After three years I am still searching. Did it work? For sure not!

Last thoughts.
I'd say that we bring upon us what we deserve in the eyes of the others, and what comes to us is mostly related to how we act in the society and how we are seen.
If I was asking my landlord to help me, maybe he could help me but he saw that I try to do my best on my own so he decided to help. On the other side of the example is a guy I work for, he knows my financial situation because he pays me. He knows that I have a motorcycle from my landlord, I have a car to use when I need, also from my landlord, but he does not want to pay me a cent more even if he sees that someone else is investing in me. And I think is all about how the others are seeing you. My landlord sees me as a future investment, so he helps me to reach my goals while he knows he will get his money back and that I deserve a better life, while the other guy sees me as a cheap asset that needs money so will take any shit, working at 2am in the morning or Sundays or even on Christmas, the guy that you call when he is on holidays and throw him a pile of work that is to be done ASAP.
Does this law really works? I say that depends on the people you meet, because I will probably help someone that will be in the situation I am now, because it will somehow remember me that once I was there and I got helped. But this depends on the character of the others. You meet some nice people they will help you realize your dreams, you meet ass-holes they will keep you in the mud so that they can take more air and more from you. I don't see any possibility for a car to materialize itself in front of my door and I wish to have one more than any crap get rich coach can imagine, I see no roadblocks between me and my car but it is still not at my door.
Then why all the fuzz? Because some door to door salesman tries to get rich with your wish to get rich!
I would believe all this crap when all the information will be free, you know, is enough for everyone they say. If is enough for everyone ... then you don't need to make a living out of this get a life out of something else and preach this for free, or better let the people who really got rich after your crap seminar to pay you, as a thank you note. This would be fair! Until then is good that the world is full of idiots and better ... idiots with money that are willing to pay you.
I have seen one indian rented suit Dr. X who was presenting a navy seals movie to support his crap theory. DUDE!?!? WTF!?! What has navy seals training to do with money? Should I get through hell week or what? How much crap we can take from this kind of guys? If is a secret they know is that you can get rich wen your target group is "Idiot people. rich idiot people, greedy rich idiot people", rent a suit, act as you are God walking on the earth and have all answers, any question you receive should be answered with as more hot air you can produce and be full of shit ... and they will offer you their money and maybe some blow-jobs too.

Till the next time!

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