Ciufu's early years

As any other kid in this world Ciufu arrived naked and according to good old medicine practices the doctor or the nurse were shaking his ass off until he started to scream. They say that this is a sign of a healthy baby, I say this is a sign of a scared baby but in the end they have the medical studies and their opinion matters.

His arrival on this planet was on a nice day of April, more exactly on 20th of April, Führer's day as he was to find out later, for the moment he did not know even where he was so details like this were not of great importance. And so a life and a journey started ....

I don't remember much of my early years, except short stories usually told at family meetings where are usually also some "not so family" guests. This stories are usually told with big love and somehow making my grandparents or parents to live again those moments and making me feel uncomfortable and all ends when they decide to take out the family album. You know, that kind of album with your first pictures. Remember them now? If not, please let me refresh your memory

Yeah, that's right, this kind of images! When you still look like a weird mix between a very old person and a baby and except your parents and grandparents who are looking at you like you are the next Messiah, some Sunshine ray or the Holly Grail ... the other ones are saying in their mind ... fuck yeah, this is an ugly baby but somehow they produce sounds like "Oh, is a sweet baby! The most beautiful baby I have ever seen!" Yeah right! Shut your cakehole! You tell this at every ugly baby picture you see! And then comes the most amazing part, they start to guess with whom the baby looks like. "Oh I can see it has the beauty of his mother! And the forehead of his father!" Oh, yeah ... and mother and father are glad and content, the small kid got their looks. But they don't see that this could be true if the father is a Klingon and the mother some Egyptian Mummy. 
After you get over the embarrassing moment when you see some ugly small piece of meat, which by the way is you in the first hour of life, that does not resemble with you today or with your parents and yet still everyone insists on that image that you got whatever part of your ugly face from one of your parents, then you move one step forward. Presenting yourself naked in front of the audience, is not in the "Book of good manners" but is in your family album, so now you can let everyone admiring your genitals! Priceless!

So this is how it works with the first two or three years of life, you have no memory but you have nude pictures, pictures when you are sick, pictures with silly hats, pictures where you are dressed weird and pictures with other kids that you don't know nor any other member of your family can remember their names.

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